Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How To Set Goals For Your Business


One of the most important pieces to a successful 2015 for your business is setting goals. It is easy to set goals, but you need to set them up properly or you will not set your best results.  

What to Expect: 

In the rest of this post, I am going to give you some of my best goal setting tips, so you can rock your business in 2015! Are you ready?  

Questions to Ask Yourself: 

When you are thinking about goals for 2015, ask yourself the following questions: Then ask yourself the following questions: Does the goal excite me? Does the goal feel potentially life-changing? The answer to both questions should be a resounding “Yes!”

The Big One:

The big one I am referring to is the biggest goal you want to acheive in 2015.  It can be anything you want such as quitting your full time job, or making 1,000/month.  In all honesty, it is completely up to you :)

Words of Caution:

Be careful to not bite off more than you can chew.   The worst thing you can do to yourself as a business owner is to get overwhelmed and wind up not doing anything for your goals.  Take it day by day, one step at a time.  

Break It Down:

When it comes to achieving your goals, the most important part is breaking them down into small, manageable, and actionable tasks.  The big one can be really scary to look at, but when you break it down into smaller tasks, all of a sudden, it isn't as scary anymore!


Once you have your big goals determined, and have it broken down into smaller actionable tasks, you are well on your way to achieving them.  Trust me, it is a great feeling when you start to see all of your hard work paying off!

To Your Success,

Steven Thompson

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How to determine your target market

Hard to believe 2015 is almost here! I get a lot of questions regarding hard to figure out one's target market, so that is what I am going to cover today. When I first started out in the industry, I heard a lot about talking to my target market, but no one could explain to me what it meant. After reading this email, you should have a better understand of what is means to speak to your target market it is true, if you are trying to market to everyone, you are marketing to no one. Unfortunately, It is absolutely impossible to help everyone. When you are first starting out in this industry, put yourself in the mind of your ideal customer or business partner. While you are doing that you to answer the following questions: What do your ideal subscribers want? 2. What’s the main problem they have that you believe you can solve? 3. What’s your method for solving that problem? 4. Who in this industry can you look up to as a mentor? Once you have those 4 questions answered, you can move on to the next step that includes goal setting. In tomorrow's email, we will discuss goal setting and how it can have a positive impact on your business. To your Success, Steven Thompson Connect with Me on Facebook:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Review of Skill with People by Les Giblin

This book was recommended to me recently by my six figure mentors.  They explained to me that the principals in this book are as powerful and relevant today as they were years ago. Naturally, I had high expectations before reading this book, and my expectations were definitely met.  I highly recommend this book to you! It can help you achieve greater success in life and in business! 

This book teaches you how to focus on the people you are trying to help, and not on yourself.  Some of the following questions are answered to perfection in this book:
Are you having problems with the boss? –
Do you want to be a better spouse? –
Do you have bad communication with your employees?
Having trouble meeting people for your MLM? –

The book also teaches you how to improve your overall people skills and your ability to make strong, lasting impressions on the men and women you meet every day.
Get your copy today!!  Kindle Version Itunes Version Audio Version

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My Story

You have found my page for one of two reasons:

1. You are new to the industry and looking for some guidance
2. Been in the industry for a while and struggling for success


My name is Steven Thompson and I have been in the industry since July 2013.  My original reason for pursing a career in this industry was because I was searching for way to spend more time with my family. I started out as a beachbody coach, and was able to see success from it.  I really enjoyed seeing other people make their lives better one way or another. When I first started out in my MLM, there was some "basic" training available, but I could tell there was a lot missing.  The training provided was enough to get you off the ground, so to speak, but nothing for long term success.   

Just like YOU, when I first started out, I had a ton of adversity.  Most "experts" will tell you the key to success is to build your own brand.  The problem comes when the "experts" tell you to build your own brand, they don't actually tell you how to do it!  Personally I had a hard time building my own brand, I spent a ton of money on various trainings, but most of it didn't seem to help much.  It doesn't matter what MLM you are part of, if you want long term success, you must build your brand.


  My personal breakthrough came when I came across an academy that guides you step by step ranging from building your own brand, to creating and launching your very OWN products. I understand you being hesitant, because I was the same way too. You have been duped before, and you don’t want to be duped again. The best decision I have ever made for my business was to become part of this academy. 

What To Expect:

  In this blog, you can expect to see updates to see a few different topics.  I will keep you updated on what I am learning in the academy.  I believe in the Learn, Apply, Teach method.  What I mean by that is Learn something new, Apply it to my business, and then Teach others so then can benefit too!  I will also be posting stuff about my lifestyle outside of work!


  When I am not attached to a computer, I do enjoy other activities.  I love spending quality time with my wife and kids, helping and seeing others achieve success, I enjoy watching sports,  I enjoy being outside, and I am just plain enjoy life!


  I encourage feedback, so please feel free to leave a comment or email me at

Sieze the Day!

Steven Thompson

Monday, September 22, 2014

Become an Successful Entrepreneur while working Full Time

   If you are reading this post it is because you are a new or struggling entrepreneur, while also working a full time job.  More than likely you are not happy having to plan your outside life around your work schedule.  I have great news for you, you are in the right place!  When I first started out in this industry, I was balancing between working a full time job, having a young family, and also starting my own business.  When I first started out there was not a lot of information available on how to balance it all.   Keep in mind it will not happen overnight, but if you use the following tips as a guide, you can make it happen

Don’t accept mediocrity

·         We are conditioned by society to accept the idea of living paycheck to paycheck.  Refuse to accept that logic.  There is nothing in this world you can’t achieve if you set your mind to it.

Build and Grow your Personal Brand

·         Since you have found this blog post, you have discovered the corporate 9-5 lifestyle is not for you.  You see yourself as an entrepreneur wanting to focus on helping other people.  Focus on growing your personal branding by first figuring out what you are passionate about, and what makes you YOU.  What makes you tick, what do you have to offer to the world that no one else does?  After you figure out your passion, you need to get your personal brand out in front of the correct audience.  If you are not sure about how to figure out your passion, or not sure how to get yourself in front of the correct audience, check out this step by step academy .

Don’t Tune out your Full Time Job Yet

·         I was guilty of this myself, and I don’t want to see the same thing happen to you.  The worst thing that can happen is while you are building your own business, you lose your full time job, because you stopped caring about it.  At your full time job continue to learn new skills, and then apply them to your own business.

Schedule Time for your business

·         One of the biggest obstacles you will have in building your own business is time management.  Every Sunday I plan out my weekly goals and then break them down into daily goals.  Use an online calendar such as Google Calendar, or Yahoo calendar to get reminders on your smartphone.

Don’t try to be too perfect 

·         I learned this tip from two of my six figure mentors, don’t try to make everything perfect.  When you are working on a product, for instance, don’t delay launching the product because it isn’t perfect. You can always go back and make something better if you need to.

Never Quit

·         Make a promise to yourself that you will never quit on your dream.  98% of people fail in this industry, because they quit too soon.  This industry is not for anyone who thinks they can become an overnight success.  Yes it does happen, but for the most part it takes a lot of consistent hard work to make it happen.

  From the tips listed above, are you currently using any of them currently?

  If you enjoyed this content then please leave me a comment below, expressing what your learned. And let me know what you really want to see on this blog.

Your feedback is essential to the success of this blog.

To your success

Steven Thompson

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Newbie Guide to Creating a Solid Blog Post Part 3 of 3

   In yesterdays blog post we talked about doing the research for your post, and also how to structure your post.  Today we are going to talk about picking a catchy headline, and last minute tweaks to your post.

Part 4: Writing a Solid Headline for your post

  Now that all of your research is done for your post, it is time to come up with a catchy headline.  You want a headline that makes a reader need to find out what your post is all about.  Think of your headline as a promise of what content you will provide to your readers in the post.

  The headline itself is super important! A great headline can get your readers to read the entire post, or a bad headline can make your readers leave your blog.  I highly recommend you read the ebook “52 Headline Hacks: a cheat sheet for writing blog posts that go viral”.  This ebook is great for anyone new to the industry, or struggling to come up with great headlines.  Get your Free copy here

Part 5: Before you finish and publish your post:

  In the final stages before your publish the post, there are a few final suggestions I have for you.

A.    Short sentences- In this day and ages, people don’t have a lot of time to read.  Keep it short and sweet so to speak

B.     Short paragraphs- A few sentences in each paragraph can help space out your post.  You don’t want your post to be one long paragraph, it just looks bad and makes it difficult to read

C.    Subheadings and lists – Use a lot of subheadings and lists in your post. This will allow your readers to quickly skim through your post and make them want to go back and read the entire post.  Your readers might be turned off if you don’t provide these in your post.

D.   Opener- Nothing beats a great opener to your post.  After the first sentence or two, you want your readers to say to themselves, I hope no one bothers me so I can finish reading this post.  Chances are too if this is the first time a reader has read one of your post, if it is a bad opener it will probably be the last time they read one of your post

E.    From the Heart- Post from the heart.  Show your readers how much passion you have for your industry.  Believe it or not, your readers can tell if you are being honest and love what you do.
Now you have all the tools and information you need to start writing great posts for your blog.  I have to know, do you use any of these tips in your blog post already?

   If you enjoyed this content then please leave me a comment below, expressing what your learned.  And let me know what you really want to see on this blog.

Your feedback is essential to the success of this blog.

To your success

Steven Thompson

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Newbie Guide to Creating a Solid Blog Post Part 2 of 3

  In yesterday’s post we talked about picking your blog topic, and today we will talk about how you can look like an expert in your post.  You can look like an expert even if you have new to the industry.  Think about how valuable looking like an expert is in your blog.  People will see you as a leader and come to you for advice! 

  Truth be told not a lot of people in this industry can call themselves a true “expert”.   The key to coming off as an expert on a topic is to research the heck out of a topic.   Here is how I research a specific topic.

A.      Research

1.       Start with a simple google search: 

  Samples of a simple google search are fundamentals of network marketing, or good blog post ideas.  Pay attention to what google is auto suggestion to you too.

2.       Pin point searches:

  After you get the results from your simple search and take a ton of notes, it is time to get a more targeted search.   You want to narrow results down to the top websites in your niche.  For example, perform a search like this: fundamentals of a good blog post . 

3.       Searching for Specifics:
  Besides talking about a broad topic such you will want to dig deeper into a specific topic.  For instance, you will not only talk about the fundaments of network marketing, you will want to talk about the  basics of network building, etc. 

4.       Repeat

  Repeat the about three steps until you have enough information for a solid post.  You should include a few references for people to check out themselves.

B.      Define the Structure of your post

  After all the research is done, it is time to get a rough idea on how the blog post is going to check.  Brainstorm ideas for the opener, determine the logic parts, and come up with the subheadings.  Verify the flow of the post seems natural and not just thrown together.  Defining the structure is important, because it shows you where you might need to research more, and where you might have too much information already.

  In the post tomorrow I will show you how to determine your headline, and final steps before your publish your post.

  If you enjoyed this content please leave a comment below, expressing what you learned. And let me know what you want to see on this blog.

Your feedback is esssential to the success of this blog.

To your success

Steven Thompson

P.S. Connect with me on facebook here

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Newbie Guide to Creating a Solid Blog Post Part 1 of 3

  You found this article because you are struggling to either come up with a topic, or how to actually create the post.  I have great news for you, you are in the right place!

  When I first started out in this industry I was just like you.  I had no idea on what I was going to write about on a day to day basis.   I have done a ton of research on how to write a solid blog post, but nothing worth mentioning in this post.  We have all heard that content rules the industry, but lately it seems like a lot of people are into copying and pasting other people’s articles and calling it their own.  I have news for you though, people can tell when it is not you writing the article. 

  Luckily for me one day a big ole light bulb went off above my head.  I had finally figured out how to write a solid blog post, and I am going to share with you today.

Part 1: Picking A Topic
  Two scenarios in play here:
A.      You already have a topic in mind
B.      You have no idea what you want to talk about

  If you are new to the industry, more than likely you will go with option b.  Don’t worry though the second option is not as bad as you think.  With option you have the very powerful St. Google search at your disposal.  Do a google search and research similar blogs in your niche.  Try this search, list of {insert your niche here}.  For example, List of network marketing blogs.  Go through some of the tops blogs and study their blog posts.   Pay special attention to how many likes, shares, and comments are on each blog post.  Also look for topics that show up on multiple blogs. 

  In the post tomorrow I will show you how to look like an expert in your niche, even if you are a newbie.

   If you enjoyed this content then please leave me a comment below, expressing what your learned.  And let me know what you really want to see on this blog.

Your feedback is essential to the success of this blog.

To your success

Steven Thompson

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Successful MLM blog content for Newbies: 3 content creation ideas

   Chances are if you are reading this article, you are looking for more MLM Blog content ideas. Great news, you are in the right place!  By the end of this article, you will have some fresh and exciting ideas for your blog! 

   If you are to new the industry or been around for a while but struggling, you might be asking yourself, how does everyone comes up with such valuable content to share. I can attest to the fact when I first started I was extremely intimidated and often talked myself out of creating content. You might be thinking to yourself that you don’t have any value to bring to the market place and that nobody would be interested to read your MLM Blog.
   I have even more exciting news for you! If you feel like you don’t have any value to share, you are absolutely wrong!   Think about when you first started and you were searching online for content ideas!  You probably felt a huge sense of relief when you were able to read and learn from some great content from someone else.  There is a ton of amazing content on the internet for you to learn from. However, there are some people online who are contradicting themselves or simply not telling the whole truth that it can be quite confusing and frustrating. I high recommend joining a community or academy of like-minded people who can teach at length about all the ins and outs of online/offline network marketing will definitely move your business to the next level.

Important MLM blog tip: Believe in Yourself!

   Let go of your fears, start believing in yourself, stop telling yourself you don’t need to do a blog post today, because everyone else has covered everything.  Think of it this way, no one has ever written a blog post like you would write.  Nobody else has your way of putting things so to speak.  You are unique!  You will discover by doing what is necessary in this industry, others will begin to see you as a leader.  Being seen as a leader in this industry will be huge for your business!  Other network marketers and people will start to know, like and trust you. So give yourself the permission to become a leader, provide value and have faith in what you do, in due time you will reap the fruits

MLM blog content idea 1:  MLM books reviews

   If your teammates were reading your blog, what would you talk about? Having a few reviews on books can help them comprehend the type of business they are getting involved with and how to be successful. For instance, Hypnotic Writing by Joe Vitale is a must have in any network marketing library. It explains in details how to persuade with only your words.

MLM blog content idea 2: What do you personally want to know?

   As a newbie having a blog is a great idea. Every single question you have as a newbie can be turned into a blog post. Your blog can be a go to spot for newbies in the industry.  For instance, you may wonder what a lead capture page or how to build your email list, where do you find content, how to find more training, how to increase your value as a newbie. Your MLM blog is like a one stop shop with all your research. Think of how powerful that can be for a second.  So learn something new everyday, apply it to your business, and share with others.   

MLM blog content idea 3: Get A Mentor
   Get into an online membership site like Legacy Lifestyle Academy : In this incredible academy, you will learn about blogging, blog content creation, traffic, and many other topics. When you are part of an online membership site, you get so many golden nuggets for your blog that you are ahead of your competition. Great MLM leaders get so much blog content by simply investing in themselves and their education. 

Blog content ideas: 5 day content creation

   For the next 5 days all your content should be linked to a lead capture page so that you can capture the details (email address only) of your prospects. That’s how you will attract and generate hot quality leads to your business
  • Day 1: Write a review about why you joined your current MLM/network marketing/direct sales company. Here is an example on LLA Academy 
  • Day 2: Write  an MLM blog post:  (ie # 1 trap Newbies need to avoid)
  • Day 3: Pick a network marketing topic (such as how to start a blog) and write a blog post
  • Day 4: Write some blogposts about building your email list and the importance of lead capture pages
  • Day 5: Write your own article about content creation and share it with others

Do this and you will start to see success in your business!

 If you enjoyed this content then please leave me a comment below, expressing what your learned.
And let me know what you really want to see on this blog.

Your feedback is essential to the success of this blog.

To your success

Steven Thompson

Monday, September 15, 2014

The No. 1 Trap Newbies need to Avoid

The longer I have been in this industry, the more I realized it is not as difficult to succeed as most people think.  There are so many traps in the MLM industry that you can fall into, especially when you are a new to the industry and your upline doesn’t warn you.  The reason for your upline not warning you is irrelevant anyways.   

A lot of MLM newbies make some mistakes that are quite honestly avoidable.  Our industry is all about getting our knowledge in front of the correct people, and letting them decide if it is right for them.    

There is also not a lot of people who are being taught how to do things correctly.  The training is available, but for some reason, certain practices that look good from afar is a big reason for a lot of people struggling massively.

One in particular comes to mind and it is the #1 trap most newbies fall into..

I have observed a ton of new network marketers buy numerous training programs in an attempt to understand everything about the industry.  It is great to understand the industry, but the problem is all the training in the world does not pay you in your MLM opportunity.  Newbies tend to spend way too much time focusing on getting all of the training without applying any of the training they have learned.  When someone new doesn’t do too well in prospecting either because they lack that belief or talk too much, they run back to training instead of trying again. 
A lot of times the fear of failure will keep new MLM’s on the sidelines so to speak.  Fear of getting started is one of the primary causes of failure in our industry.  Newbies will hide behind their new training, go to a few webinars, or scan their back office material instead of getting out there and doing it. 
After a few months of doing all of this busy work they decide the industry is just not right for them and quit.    All of the successful people in this industry can see the reason they are failing, but not the person who is failing.   If you want to be successful in this industry my advice to you is this.   Learn something new everyday, before you move onto something else, apply it to your business, then teach someone else how you did it (Learn, Apply, Teach)!
When you start doing the Learn, Apply, Teach method, other people will also see you as a leader in this industry.  
I understand there will be times you will be studying a lot, but never use it as an excuse for not taking action!

Friday, August 1, 2014

How to Create An Event on Facebook

How to create an Event on Facebook
Lets be friends on :

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Attending Live Events

Attending Live Training Events are a huge bonus for your business.  I just attended the Marketing Impact Academy Seminar and had a great time.  Learned a ton and meant a bunch of great people!  Have you attended a live event before?



Friday, July 11, 2014

Building Relationships is Huge for your MLM Success

Are you new to MLM and need some advice on how to get started? Most people think you need to have a huge team of people to be successful, but I disagree. Yet, I believe you will achieve a lot more success in your MLM if you take the time to build solid relationships with every member of your team(family).   Why do I feel this wayt? Well, relationships are incredibly important to your team’s retention and retention keeps your business stable and ready for more growth.

Retention is essential to your MLM business. With a network marketing industry average retention rate of 20%*, that is like losing 8 out of every 10 people you sign up. This is why it is very important to do things such as working in depth with your group and encouraging those working to move up the ranks, being available for skype calls, google hangleouts and having weekly communication with the whole group. If you do nothing but just sponsor someone, it will ruin your profits. That is because more than likely you will be spending more money than you are making just to sign up new people to replace the ones that are leaving.

I have broken down relationship building into three steps.

Step 1: Really get to know the people you bring into your home based business.

If you find out what it is they really want, help them define their "WHY", then you can hold them accountable to themselves and their business. Care enough about the people in your downline to bring them back to what is most important (quitting their job, more family time, buying a new house) and help steer them toward achieving those goals.

Step 2: Keep in mind that people are worthy of personal attention and respect.

Understand that most of the people you recruit into your home based business are already professional employees. At work, they are most likely just a number and they feel like their employer does not value them.

People have to know that they are really appreciated for who they are and not just the paycheck they provide to you.

Let your downline know how much you admire their choice to make a better life for them and their families. Show them common courtesy, and give them the respect they deserve. Do the extra little things like remembering their Birthdays and Anniversaries, thank them for their military service, etc. These are simple little touches that show you care and strengthen a relationship.

Step 3: Be of great value to them by sharing your time and knowledge.

You need to know your company like the back of your hand. You can’t expect people to trust you, if you do not know what you are talking about. People will listen to what you have to say as long as they don't feel like you are talking down to them or at them. You always want to talk with them, not at them or down to them.

When the people you bring into your home based business see you as not only a leader but as a friend and someone they can count on, you will be well on your way to having a business partner for life. The most valuable thing you have is your time and people appreciate you sharing your time with them. Learn, Apply, and Teach is a great motto to have in your home business.

When it comes to building relationships to improve your MLM downline retention, there is a saying that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Always treat people the way you want to be treated. This truly is the foundation of relationship building.

So I challenge you to begin builiding solid relationships with the people currently with you, and also anyone new you bring into your business. If you apply these steps, you will be well on your way to building a successful future for yourself and your entire team.

Feel free leave a comment below and connect on facebook:


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Listen to understand, not listen to respond

I have seen a lot of people recently who are too focused on the sale, instead of focusing on filling the need of someone.