Monday, September 15, 2014

The No. 1 Trap Newbies need to Avoid

The longer I have been in this industry, the more I realized it is not as difficult to succeed as most people think.  There are so many traps in the MLM industry that you can fall into, especially when you are a new to the industry and your upline doesn’t warn you.  The reason for your upline not warning you is irrelevant anyways.   

A lot of MLM newbies make some mistakes that are quite honestly avoidable.  Our industry is all about getting our knowledge in front of the correct people, and letting them decide if it is right for them.    

There is also not a lot of people who are being taught how to do things correctly.  The training is available, but for some reason, certain practices that look good from afar is a big reason for a lot of people struggling massively.

One in particular comes to mind and it is the #1 trap most newbies fall into..

I have observed a ton of new network marketers buy numerous training programs in an attempt to understand everything about the industry.  It is great to understand the industry, but the problem is all the training in the world does not pay you in your MLM opportunity.  Newbies tend to spend way too much time focusing on getting all of the training without applying any of the training they have learned.  When someone new doesn’t do too well in prospecting either because they lack that belief or talk too much, they run back to training instead of trying again. 
A lot of times the fear of failure will keep new MLM’s on the sidelines so to speak.  Fear of getting started is one of the primary causes of failure in our industry.  Newbies will hide behind their new training, go to a few webinars, or scan their back office material instead of getting out there and doing it. 
After a few months of doing all of this busy work they decide the industry is just not right for them and quit.    All of the successful people in this industry can see the reason they are failing, but not the person who is failing.   If you want to be successful in this industry my advice to you is this.   Learn something new everyday, before you move onto something else, apply it to your business, then teach someone else how you did it (Learn, Apply, Teach)!
When you start doing the Learn, Apply, Teach method, other people will also see you as a leader in this industry.  
I understand there will be times you will be studying a lot, but never use it as an excuse for not taking action!


  1. Great Post +Coach Steven!! Avoiding These Traps, Especially as a Newbie, Will Determine How Long It Takes to See Success!! I love That You Are Always Helping others To Compress Time!

    1. thanks tara! Cutting out a lot of the headaches for newbies is very important to me!

  2. Great use of video in your blog article man and very informative! Bless ya man!
