Monday, January 5, 2015

I Have A Home Business: 5 Reasons Why I Blog


Sometimes when I tell people I have a blog for my home business, I get them asking me Why I do it. In this post, I am going to share with you a few reasons why I blog, and I think you should too.

Reason #1: Get Customer Feedback Faster:

If you write a book, you will probably have to wait six months to a year before you will get feedback on your work.  A huge benefit of having a blog is getting feedback from your customer immediately. Think about how powerful that is for a second.

Reason #2: Gain Influence In Your Niche:

I am not saying if you start a blog tonight you will become super powerful overnight.  No that is definitely not the case.  If you start a blog and stay consistent with you, over time you will gain a wide audience of people who trust and respect you.

Reason #3:  Build A Network Of People

Starting a blog is an easy way of expanding your network.  If you blog has a lot of great content on it, the posts will attract people to comment on them.  This will lead to readers wanting to get help from you, and also people offering to help you.  A win win.

Reason #4: Build Trust Online:

In this day and age people are not going to come to your site and immediately buy from you.  Having a blog allows you to build trust with your audience by giving away a ton of value for FREE.  It is also a way to showcase your talents so to speak.

Reason #5: Stay Sharp:

Having a blog makes you stay up to date with the latest knowledge in your area of expertise.  If you want to put up a new piece of great content once a week,  you will be forced to keep your knowledge up to date.  The worst thing you would want to do is put out a piece of bad content.


So There you have it.  5 reasons to blog if you have a home business.  Which reason was most compelling to you?

To Your Success

Steven Thompson

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