Have you ever stared at your computer screen with 20 tabs open trying to determine what you should work on next? How about having the feeling at the end of the day you finished about 10% of what you had planned to get done for the day? It makes you upset doesn't it? Don't worry you are not the first person to suffer from Information Overload, and you will definitely not be the last! By the end of this post, YOU will have learned how to recognize the warning signs of Information Overload, and how to overcome it. Sound Good?
My Story of Information Overload
About a year ago, I was making the transition from Network Marketing to Internet Marketing, and naturally I wanted to finish the transition too fast. I found myself buying a new training product at least once a week, and spent about 6,000 in the process. After the dust settled, I had purchased all of those trainings and implemented very little of it. Worst of all, I had not taught anyone else what I had learned from the training I did complete. I will be honest with you, Information Overload will not be fixed overnight, but after reading my suggestions in this post, you can overcome it!!
Warning Signs of Information Overload:
- Too Much Training Materials- As I mentioned above, buying too much training material, and not implementing what you learn. Worse case you buy the training and not even read, listen, or watch it. If your wife is like my wife and hears you are buying products and not learning from it, your wife wouldn't be happy either.
- Checking your emails for than twice a day- How are you ever going to get any work done if you are constantly checking your email? I will answer the question for you, you won't get any work done.
- Switching Tasks before one is done- This one was a big problem for me. For example, I would be reading a personal development book, and then I would get a Facebook notification. I bet you know what happened. Not good but can be fixed :)
- Avoiding Necessary Tasks- You avoid your day to day tasks to build your business, and instead spend too much time on facebook or google plus, etc. This was another big problem for me.
- Too Many Internet Browsers- Find yourself looking aimlessly at the 20 different Internet Browser tabs you have open, and unable to decide what to do next.
- Reading A Book Half Way- Start reading a book and stopping half way through the book and not finishing it. This one goes hand in hand with buying training material, and not finishing it. Very common problem for people with their own business.
Solutions to Overcome Information Overload
The great news is there are ways to cure information overload, and I am going to share with you the exact methods I used to get myself out of information overload. Are you ready?
- Admitting you have a problem- Huge first step and often the hardest step to take. 97% of people fail in this industry and this is one of the main reasons why.
- Reprogram Your Mind- You need to train your mind to stay focused on the task at hand. It will take a lot of self-discipline to do this, but it is absolutely essential! Stay super focused on the task at hand! Turn off the radio, tv, facebook notifications, etc.
- Change your daily routine- The night before make a to do list and a keep a did list throughout the day. At the end of the compare the two lists, and make your to do list for the next day. Limit checking your email and social media feeds to 2 times a day.
- Complete One Task At A Time- Don't allow yourself to start another task, before the task you are working on is finished. Don't get caught up in trying to get everything done all at once. Take a few deep breaths, and complete one task at a time. You will be amazed at the end of the day all the work you get done this way.
To Your Success,
Steven Thompson
P.S. Connect With Me on Facebook.
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